
4 Popular Reddit Apps That Still Work for Free After the API Price Change

Hate the official Reddit app? Looking for the popular Reddit Apps that still work after the API price change? This post has you covered. Reddit, one of the most popular and influential social platforms on the internet, has been a favorite platform for users seeking content and engaging in discussions on a wide range of topics without a filter. However, with the continuous growth in users and the need to maintain a sustainable infrastructure, in April 2023, Reddit announced its plan for the new API policies and price changes, affecting numerous third-party Reddit apps and their developers.

They also revealed that the updated terms and API price changes will go into effect on June 19, 2023. As they announced, a few popular Reddit apps such as Infinity for Reddit, Sync for Reddit, Joey for Reddit, and Apollo for Reddit have already shut down their services and are no longer available for free. However, some Reddit app developers rose to the occasion and crafted Reddit clients that continue offering an exceptional Reddit experience for free. In this post, we will explore some of the popular Reddit apps that still work even after the API Price change for free.

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Third-Party Reddit Apps that Still Work After the API Price Change

1. Focus for Reddit

Focus for reddit screenshots

Focus for Reddit is an exquisite app for browsing Reddit on the go for free even after the API price change. The free third-party Reddit app provides an intuitive and enjoyable ad-free Reddit experience. It’s powered by Material Design, making it visually appealing and packed with great features. With this app, it’s easy to find and customize the perfect Reddit experience no matter where you are. The app offers all the required features for a better Reddit experience including multi-account support with secure OAuth login, subreddit sync, support for creating all kinds of posts, NSFW filer etcetera.

2. FatBird for Reddit 

FatBird for Reddit app Screenshots

FatBird for Reddit is a reasonably new Reddit app that is still working for free even after the new Reddit API price change. It is uncertain how long it will be available for free, But as of now, it’s working fine. Fatbird for Reddit is an exquisite app that provides an intuitive and enjoyable user experience. It is powered by material design, making it visually appealing. It offers many powerful features such as built-in translation, the ability to post pictures in comments, and much more. With this app, you will be able to easily find and customize the perfect Reddit experience for you, no matter where you are.

3. Atom for Reddit

Atom for Reddit app Screenshots

Atom for Reddit is another Android Reddit app that has demonstrated remarkable resilience in the face of Reddit’s API price change. Atom offers a clean and user-friendly interface with many customization options to suit individual preferences. The developer’s responsiveness to user feedback and consistent updates have played a vital role in the app’s ability to withstand the challenges posed by the API price change. With its user-friendly interface, multiple account support, and customization options, Atom remains a top free choice among Android Reddit users.

4. RedReader

RedReader app Screenshots

RedReader is one open-source Reddit app that’s still working for free even after the API price change. RedReader has been serving Reddit users for over a decade now. Although its user interface is not as good as the Reddit apps mentioned above, its light weightiness, focus on accessibility, and essential features made it a favorite to a section of the Reddit user base. So get it and enjoy an ad-free Reddit experience. 


The API price change imposed by Reddit certainly presented a significant challenge for third-party Reddit app developers. However, the resilience and determination of certain app creators allowed them to rise above the hurdles and continue offering exceptional Reddit experiences to their users. Focus for Reddit, Atom for Reddit, FatBird for Reddit, and RedReader have proven their ability to adapt and innovate, reaffirming their status as popular Reddit apps that still work even after the API price change. As Reddit’s user base grows, these apps remain shining examples of how dedication and innovation can ensure success in the dynamic world of app development

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