
Is it safe to clear cache on Android often?

Is it safe to clear cache on Android often?

The short and straight answer to the question of whether Is it safe to clear cache on Android often is Maybe No. It is not dangerous, but clearing the cache often hinders your device’s performance. There’s no need for clearing cache often, especially if you use modern Android smartphones/devices. The cache is not inherently essential, but it is important for the smooth functioning of your device.

The cache essentially is a temporary storage area that stores frequently accessed data to speed up the loading time of apps/games you use and websites you visit often. While clearing the cache once in a while is acceptable, many people tend to clear their cache regularly, thinking that it’ll improve the performance of their device, which is not the case in reality. Continue reading to know why it is not safe to clear the cache often.

How to clear the cache on Android all at once

Best cache cleaners for Android

Disadvantages of clearing cache Often

Slower loading times 

One of the primary disadvantages of clearing the cache regularly is the impact on initial loading times. Cached data is inevitable and serves the purpose of storing previously accessed information, reducing the time your device takes for apps/games and websites to load. No matter how many times you clear the cache data, it will be piled up again to ensure the smooth functioning of your device.

So, when you clear your cache, your device has to rebuild it from scratch. This means that the next time you access an app/game or a website, it will take a longer time to load as your device has to retrieve the data again. This can be frustrating, especially if you are in a hurry. 

Reduced battery life 

When your device has to retrieve the data again, it uses more power, which can drain your battery faster. The amount of battery drain depends on how much data your device has to retrieve again from scratch. The bigger the cache data size, the higher the battery drain. This can be a problem when you are away from a power source for an extended period.  

Increased data usage 

Clearing your cache means that your device has to download the data again, which can increase your data usage. For instance, your browser usually caches the web pages you frequently visit, to open them faster whenever you access them after the first use. But after clearing the cache data, your browser has to redownload all of those web pages again. This consumes your data.

The data usage depends on the size of the cache data your device has to retrieve. The bigger the cache data size, the higher the data usage. This can be a problem if you have a limited data plan or when you are in an area with poor network coverage. 

Loss of personalized settings 

While clearing the cache doesn’t delete your login credentials, passwords, and other app data, it can delete some of your personalized settings and preferences as many apps use cache to store your personalized settings. Clearing the cache means you will lose these settings and set them up again. So be vary of that.

Temporary Disruption in App Functionality

Some apps rely heavily on cached data for smooth functioning. When the cache is cleared, these apps may experience a temporary disruption as they adapt to the absence of cached information. If you have such apps installed on your device, you might encounter glitches or delays until the necessary data is re-cached.

Wrapping up 

In conclusion, it may seem like clearing the cache often is a good idea, but it can have negative effects on your device’s performance. Instead, it’s better to let your device manage its cache automatically and only clear it manually when it experiences some performance issues or when it runs dangerously out of storage. This will ensure that your device runs smoothly and efficiently without any unnecessary strain.

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