
How To Clean Phone Speakers for Crystal Clear Sound

Your smartphone has become an indispensable part of your daily life, serving as not just a communication device but also a portable entertainment system that you can use to watch movies, listen to music, play games, etc., which are enjoyable only when your phone’s speakers are clear. But over time, the accumulation of dirt, dust, water particles, and grime can affect the performance of your phone speakers, leading to muffled or distorted sound, and disrupting the user experience overall. For the best user experience, it’s essential to have your phone speakers in the best condition. In this guide, you’ll learn how to clean phone speakers with simple and effective methods ensuring you enjoy crisp and clear audio.

How To Clean Phone Speakers

Before you know how to clean phone speakers, check the quality of the sound output. Because it’s better to not disturb something when it is in good condition. You can check your phone speakers by playing various music files and video files with different volume levels. Also, make a call to someone and check if you can hear their voice. If everything is alright, it’s better to leave it as it is.

It’s advised to clean your phone speakers only when the audio output is not clear or when you see dust/dirt covering the speaker grille. If the speaker sounds low even though there’s no visible dust build-up on the speaker grille, then you can boost the speaker volume with the help of a few apps.

If you think it has to be cleaned, then follow this guide.

1. Gather Your Tools

Before starting the cleaning process, assemble the necessary tools. You need certain tools to clean phone speakers in the safest way possible. So gather these beforehand. 

  • Soft-bristled brush or toothbrush 
  • Compressed air canister
  • Isopropyl alcohol (rubbing alcohol)
  • Cotton swabs or microfiber cloth

2. Power Off Your Phone

Start the cleaning process by turning off your phone to prevent any accidental damage during the cleaning process. Also, it is better to remove the static energy

3. Use a Soft Brush or Toothbrush

If you see any dirt or dust on the speaker grille, gently brush the speaker grille and surrounding areas to dislodge loose particles of dust or dirt. Be cautious not to apply too much pressure, as this could potentially damage the speaker.

4. Compressed Air

If there’s not too much dust or dirt on the speaker grille, use your mouth to blow away the debris. Use compressed air only when there’s too much of it to blow away the remaining debris from the speaker openings. Keep the nozzle at a safe distance and angle to avoid any forceful impact on the speaker.

5. Isopropyl Alcohol Solution

Create a solution of isopropyl alcohol and water in equal parts. Dampen a cotton swab or microfiber cloth with a small amount of the solution. Wipe the speaker grille and surrounding areas to remove stubborn dirt and disinfect the surface. Ensure that the alcoholic does not steep into the phone’s internals.

6. Check for Residue

Examine the speaker grille for any leftover residue. If necessary, repeat the previous 5 steps of the cleaning process until the speaker is entirely free of dirt and grime.

7. Regular Maintenance

Make speaker cleaning a part of your regular phone maintenance routine. By doing so, you’ll prevent the accumulation of stubborn dervish and maintain optimal audio quality. 

Using Speaker Cleaner App For Water Damage

Cleaning water damaged phone speaker

The speaker cleaning process is different if it’s water-damaged. If your phone has been in contact with water and survived, but the speaker sounds muffled or low because of the water/moisture trapped in the speaker, then you can clean the speaker using the Speaker Cleaner – Remove Water app. Launch the app, keep the volume of your phone to the maximum, tap the “Clean Speaker” button, place your phone on a flat surface with the screen facing down, and let it do the magic.

The app plays an audio file with certain frequencies that flush out any remaining water residue from your speakers. Run the app a few times till you hear the audio output as it was before the water damage.

Things To Avoid While Cleaning Your Phone Speaker

Now that you know the safest ways to clean your phone speakers, let’s know about a few things you should not do when cleaning your phone speakers.

1. Liquids

Avoid using any liquids to clean your phone speaker, as liquids can short-circuit or corrode components. So, using any liquid other than Isopropyl solution is a big no. Also, make sure to not use excessive Isopropyl alcohol solution.

2. Avoid Harsh Cleaning Agents

Refrain from using harsh cleaning chemicals, as they can damage the phone’s external finish, and in some cases, even harm the internal components. Stick to mild solutions like Isopropyl alcohol to maintain a safe and effective cleaning process. 

3. Avoid Using Sharp Tools

Don’t try to clean the speaker grille with any sharp objects such as safety pins, needles, SIM ejectors, etc, to avoid damaging your phone’s surface and internal components. 

4. Don’t Blow Air Too Much

Using a compressed air blower helps in the speaker cleaning process, but using too much force could push dirt further into your phone speaker. So, ensure to maintain a certain distance and angle from the speaker grille while blowing the air.


Keeping your phone speaker clean is essential for enjoying the best audio experience. With these simple steps, minimal supplies, and dos and don’ts, you can ensure that your phone’s speakers remain in top-notch condition, delivering crystal-clear sound for all your communication and entertainment needs.

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